Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Transmission of the Bible: not like the telephone game

Dan Wallace, from Dallas Theological Seminary on the nature of textual variants in the New Testament (i.e. places where the Greek manuscripts of the New Testament differ from each other). If you've ever been told that the Scriptures have been corrupted by copying and then have come to find out that there are in fact differences in many of the Greek copies of the New Testament that we have, then this article will be a big help. Dan Wallace is one of the best Greek and New Testament scholars around, but he's also a good teacher too!

In it he notes that at most only 1% of the textual variants in the New Testament manuscripts are meaningful with respect to influencing Christian doctrine and viable as being part of the original writer's words. So, 99% of the things that don't match between the different copies of the NT are inconsequential!

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