After a long break for Christmas and New Years, I return, with nothing much significant to say, as you'll see.
"With what end in view do you again and again walk along difficult and laborious paths?
There is no rest where you seek for it. Seek for what you seek, but it is not where you are looking for it.
You seek the happy life in the region of death; it is not there.
How can there be a happy life where there is not even life?
He who for us is life itself descended here and endured our death and slew it by the abundance of his life." - Augustine
In the New Testament letter to the Hebrews, the author talks about how Jesus, by "the power of an indestructible life", was ordained into perpetual priesthood. I've always thought that would make a good Christian t-shirt. On the front it would say "indestructible" in those bold blocky letters that are each vertically misplaced giving that "under construction" or "hey-the-ground-is-shaking" feel. Then on the back it would say "Melchizedek style" in a cool script with the Hebrews verse reference on the back. I think it could sell. Does anyone know Mardel's buyer? Pretty ridiculous, I know. Maybe it's obvious I had the idea while working for a church youth group, or maybe I just made it up... It reminds you of a superhero, does it not?
Of course more serious things could be said, things about seeking life outside of the one who is life, things about his life in us being indestructible, breaking through the cracked and dying flesh-skin of the old man, things about how we ought to follow Paul in seeking the fellowship of Christ's suffering and the power of his resurrection..., but for now it's t-shirt ideas. Have I told you about the one that combines Benjamin Franklin and Aretha Franklin?
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