Saturday, May 13, 2006

uncle! thoughts on moleskins to start....

Okay, i give in. I'm going to blog now. I don't know if it's cause I feel inspired or just because I just read a friends really cool blog and feel out of the loop, but here goes nothing...really, mostly nothing.
Now I know there are great things to live up to as a blogger in the 21st century. I mean, people have been doing it for what, 5, maybe 10 years now. I've got a lot profundity, randomness, and clever little artsy stuff to put out. I should get busy.
My first bit will be a little plug for moleskin journals. I'm probably late to the game on this one, but it doesn't matter when I show, just how I play when I get there, right? My moleskin is the basic "ruled notebook". It has 192 ruled pages with a pocket in the back for all that stuff that you would put in a journal pocket if you had one, and it is the legendary notebook of Picasso, Hemingway, and some guy named Chatwin. They were originally made by small French bookbinders, whom may have been small in stature (as Meredith would like to believe), but were most likely small in the commercial sense of the word. It's really the journal that I have always wanted. Maybe my life will be better and my thoughts more profound now...yes, as sure as the Nike is fast they will!
I could go on, and I probably should seeing as this could possibly be the first and last entry in my blog. But, I will risk it, close my entry for the day, trusting that tomorrow will bring more fascinating thoughts for me to share with everyone and no one at the same time.
Till then, Au revoir! (that's french for goodbye...) ;)

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I find that Uniball Vision pens pair nicely with a quality journal...its really impossible to have creative, good thoughts without it. Ive never tried the Moleskin myself..but Ive bought one for my dad...and coveted it afterward.